Monday, November 25, 2013

Quick Character Studies

I'm always drawing some sort of character. I can't do music at the moment, so i'm expressing myself with the pencil. These are all just quick drawing, nothing real special. I usually practice positions and anatomy.

It's kinda faint, but you can see how I go about building the frame for my characters on the bottom right of the page. To start, I scribble a little bit to plot out some type of silhouette. Then, I go in to building shapes. That's just one of the ways, It's all depends on if i know what I want to draw or if I have nothing in mind. I might use cylinders and spheres, sometimes. Like I said, how I start depends on the ideas in my head. If I do some sort of environment design, I start out with pen and pad with small thumbnails, then I got to photoshop to work on a bigger pic.  I'll upload some at a later date.

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