Saturday, February 1, 2014

Exploring Character Design

I hate saying "I", but when ya have no one to work with, it happens that way. Out of my good friends, I have one musician, and one real good artist, that i know of. So, I continuously have to say "I". (The only time I like saying "I" is when I say,"I hate people that are full of themselves".(Hence the prase "I hate saying I"))Were all too busy doing our own things. Fam, can't connect just yet. So in the mean time, it's the blog, hope you've had some fun so far!

Some line work. All pen, except for the swords and some decals. "" used a pencil to make sure i had it flowing right. "" try not to erase. I'm still not on the level of some artist, but hey, I'm tryin. Hope you like!

Thank u!!

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