Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Corrections and Deviations

I will start off with apologies again. I say that to any typo's or use of slang in writing. I do believe in creative freedom, expression, and the right to express ones self, as long as it doesn't slander nor mislead anyone. So, I apologize if I have done that, or some feels I have done so.

I used the term "Isoparm" in one of my videos. I used it wrong and right. In school you learn that the make up of a 3D object/nurb/polymesh, is made up of iosparms. While doing research, and watching others model, the term used is "edge loop". I confused them both in my head, lol.

My videos, nor any of the music I posted, are "monetized". This blog is not using ad pay option. The reason is due to the programs I use. I'm a big fan of FL Studio, and a long time user. That said, any music I make is using their samples and daw. I know you have to include the use of their samples and daw in any copyright that you pursue. That said, earlier mentions of FL Studio might have been conceived as a diss, but it was not. The samples they provide are awesome, and they provide many ways to alter and adjust them. I used the term, generic due to the name of the sample set they use to provide a while back, and probably still do. I have been absent from using it do to not having a computer that is "mine" to download and install it on to. In samples explained, I explained the samples are mine, that is true and not true depending on what you mean by samples. Do you mean sound samples, or rhythm samples. For example "One Man Jam", the song that might be playing on the blog right now. It was made in Fl Studio, It was made with FL Studio sound samples, and two of the synths they provide(FL slayer: fretless bass, FL keys:_, don't remember the setting). I also am using Native Instruments synths(vsts), which I do also believe you have to give them a plug. I do believe it is NI's Berlin Grand that I have layered with FL keys. I do believe I am using Studio drummer with drum sounds provided by FL studio for the percussion. The horns are also a NI synth. I had issues with processing, so I had to record the synths and place them into channels. All the rhythms are me, but the sample sounds, and synths belong to FL Studio, and Native Instruments. Copyrights would have to include FL studio and Native Instruments, due to terms of use. The recording was raw out of FL Studio and composed real fast for fun.

If you were to go to another track and open it, there are some sample rhythms that are FL Studio. Stress, the timbalis are a sample rhythm. Hereditary, in the intro and through out there is a somewhat arpeggio playing, that is also Fl Studio rhythm sample. Hustle, the main sample in the hook section is a sample, along with the violins. I try hard to be real minimal with the use of sample rhythms because I think of it as cheating. That said, sample rhythms are the best way to quickly concept a beat. I do not, how ever, take songs and bring them into the daw and chop them up and make samples of copy written music. Nor do I take and rewrite samples. If I did, I would ask permission or say it was that, and pay the royalties. That said, how do you ask and be right about it?

 The only way is to do it, and explain you did it, with the intent to share royalties. Really, its a bigger business nowadays. All artist should have a price and a selection of songs that they allow the industry to use at a price. Then they also should have a list of songs that the artists refuse to ever let anyone sample. What should the price be? The price should be a percentage of the royalties. How much of a percentage? Simple equation. Say some one samples 5 secs of a hit song to use in a song of their own. That song they make is 3 minutes long. If the 3 minute song sells, they owe the sample owner 3% for every download sell of the individual song and 3% of the album sales if that song is part of and album. Say they used that same 5 sec sample 5 times in a song, so now that sample occupies 25 secs in a 3 minute song. That would be 13% of the song that the sample occupies, so the pay should be 13% percent of every individual download sells, and if that song where included on the album 13% of that albums sales. Seeing that the average Joe isn't able to negotiate or speak to stars to ask them in the first place. With today's market and how music is being produced, Something like this has to happen.  

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


I finally was able to build a mech. When I left off, I was texturing, and rigging the mech. The design is simple and straight forward. The catch is, my subscription to maya is way over and my computer is on the fritz. Luckily, I did make a short animation. You can see the weights are wrong on a few pieces, hey its where I left off. The rig was a lot more complexed than your average biped rig. I didn't get to add controlers to it. I was working on the motion of the feet when I stopped. I was doing it though, lol. I'm trying to show only finished work from here on out.

Years Later

Ok. Im am back at home from my road job. I didn't want to be, but you have to do what you have to do.

 New game plan:

 Im still trying to do music, art games, everything I possibly can do, nothing more nothing less.

According to European Union laws, I have to report cookies that are on my blog. I ran the inspector, and according to it there re no cookies. I did use a stat tracker years ago, however, it is not showing up and im sure it's expired. That, or they have a newer version. All cookies will be reported from here on out.

 I attended a school "online" in pursuit of further educationg myself and advancing my skill set. I stoppped short of my bacholors due to unforeseen events. I'm looking to get back into school and finish soon.

Less words, more work, I figured that out the hard way. So I took all the words off, mostly. It's all about the work and final product.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I had questions about my samples and the differences between the songs, here's the answers. Thanks for checkin it out. More on games next.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Exploring Character Design

I hate saying "I", but when ya have no one to work with, it happens that way. Out of my good friends, I have one musician, and one real good artist, that i know of. So, I continuously have to say "I". (The only time I like saying "I" is when I say,"I hate people that are full of themselves".(Hence the prase "I hate saying I"))Were all too busy doing our own things. Fam, can't connect just yet. So in the mean time, it's the blog, hope you've had some fun so far!

Some line work. All pen, except for the swords and some decals. "" used a pencil to make sure i had it flowing right. "" try not to erase. I'm still not on the level of some artist, but hey, I'm tryin. Hope you like!

Thank u!!

Unity Pro

Wow, you tell how long I have not payed attention to game engines. I said in the videos that it is $1,500 to buy the Unity Pro engine for use. Well, I just checked into their site and they are doing monthly use charges. $75 for the the use of the engine, and if you want any support for addition platforms, like IOs, you would have to pay an additional monthly charge. That's cornering the market.

Bring on the games, that would help an emerging game development teams budget greatly!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

And Now, Time for a Wave

I get hard work and the love of music from my parents. When it comes to my knowledge, skills, and passion for music, it came from one man. Hope you enjoy!